Mainstream Media Monitoring

Media monitoring is vital for any organization who seek external audiences and plan to have their companies brand position in the market to keep growing. Ultimately the monitoring will provide an information up to date and removing a guesswork to spare in making a better decision.

Understanding how the media portrayed the mainstream issue, brand or topic of interest by influencer will provide the variable in formulating a future plan, decision, strategies – to name a few

Monitoring is the process by itself which will provide our clients with comprehensive data and information for decision making.

Onluna Mainstream Media monitoring had the best media coverage in Asia, both include ANZ market and locals in Asia-Pacific are available in 19 languages, all of them integrated within the same platform. Making a decision based on top line doesn’t seem as efficient as before. Without the full picture, there is a possibility to make and crucial errors in decisions making. For that reason, Onluna regards data intelligence as the utmost importance.

Us at Onluna invest in developing a database from many sources that keep growing, to better provide our clients with up to date information and news.

Us at Onluna invest in developing a database from many sources that keep growing, to better provide our clients with up to date information and news.